Factory Automation

Software Tools NC Explorer

Data Transfer

CNC machining data file can be operated using Windows File Explorer on a computer when the computer is connected with multiple CNCs via Ethernet.



How can I transfer data prepared on a computer to a CNC?

Easy data transfer using
NC Explorer!

Drag and drop to transfer machining data files


  • Cooperation with Windows File Explorer
    Operational CNCs are displayed as folders on Windows File Explorer.
    Drag and drop to transfer files.


Supported OS Windows8.1/Windows10
Supports 32- and 64-bit OS (WOW64 available for 64-bit)
CNC connections CNCs supported: M800V/M80V/M800/M80/E80/C80/M700V/M70V/M700/M70/E70 Series
Connection configuration: Ethernet

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