Mitsubishi Electric Nuclear Business
Product Lineup for Nuclear Power PlantsInstrumentation and Control (I&C) Systems
Mitsubishi Electric provides I&C systems for monitoring, protecting, and controlling nuclear power plants. The I&C product lineup ranges from components such as sensors to main control boards. Our I&C systems for nuclear power plants comply with the safety classification demanded by countries around the world.
1Human System
Interface System
Main Control Board
The main control board is the center of plant operation ergonomically designed to all information and control functions.
Flexible operator interface stations with diverse and integrated control functionality
- Complete plant information and control within arm’s reach–all information and controls are easily accessible to each operator
- Touch-screen interfaces with flexible menus to select any one out of hundreds of information elements, for display
Multi-division operator interfaces with information processing and controls automation
- Operators can control all safety and non-safety divisions from the same touch-screen panels
- Automation allows plant information to be summarized and control tasks to be consolidated and simplified, decreasing operator workload

Mitsubishi Real-time (MR) Computer
Boasting the functionality required for controlling and monitoring nuclear power plant systems, the MR computer is an industrial computer equipped to handle a variety applications, including in a Human System Interface System (HSIS) and an alarm processing system.
- Excellent stability and real-time performance achieved using software developed in-house.
- Durability and suitability for operation in plant-operating conditions verified during qualification testing.
- Easy-to-use HSI design verified by operators in domestic and overseas plants.
- Digital Human System Interface System (HSIS)
- Plant Control Computer System (PCCS)
- Technical Support Center (TSC)
- Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS)
- Post Accident Monitoring System (PAMS)

Operating Parameter Monitoring System (OPMS)
The Operating Parameter Monitoring System (OPMS) is a system which monitors daily conditions of plant parameters, present trends, and detect aging degradations and plant equipment abnormalities, to support planning for future maintenance.
System Features:
- Trend Monitoring during Operation
- Plant equipment status management
- Monitoring during Plant Start-up
- Incident Report

Computer Based Procedure (CBP) System
The Computer Based Procedure (CBP) system uses touch screen display that provides control room operators an operating procedure that is interactive and continuously updated with live plant data. Operators can quickly select appropriate procedure steps or other related procedures using the hyperlink navigation. The CBP system reduces the operator’s workload and allows the procedures to be executed efficiently.
System Features:
The CBP system is linked via computer network to the control room operation computer which allows the CBP system to provide sophisticated functionality, including hyperlink navigation to Operational Visual Display Units (VDUs) and live parameter display.
2Safety I&C System
If a natural disaster or accident occurs, Safety I&C Systems must perform the safe cooling and shutdown of nuclear plant operations. Mitsubishi Electric is ready with a proven platform of the highest reliability that features independence, redundancy, and diversity.
MELTAC-Nplus is a digital Safety I&C platform specifically developed to respond to demands of the Safety I&C systems and to realize true “Defense in Depth” for nuclear power plants.
- * MELTAC-Nplus is a registered trademark of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation in China.
- Top class digital safety I&C platform with a proven record of operating in 26 nuclear power plants.
- All hardware modules, basic software, and maintenance tools for the MELTAC platform are designed, developed, and manufactured in-house.
- Qualified hardware and software meet the strict safety regulations and standards of the U.S. and Japan.
- Easy to identify the failure part by applying originally developed software by Mitsubishi Electric.
- Possible to build Safety I&C system solution in response to specific customer requirements for each plant.
- Software operation of safety-related auxiliary equipment

- Reactor Protection System (RPS)
- Engineered Safety Features Actuation System (ESFAS)
- Safety Logic System (SLS)
- Ex-Core Nuclear Instrumentation System (NIS)
- Radiation Monitoring System (RMS)
- Safety Visual Display Unit (VDU) System

Diverse Platform
As a backup for our digital Safety I&C systems in the event of a software common cause failure (CCF), the Diverse platform features the built-in diversity of non-computerized functionality.
- Analog (Non-FPGA* based).
- Automatic actuation logic consisting of discrete components.
- Hard-wired external cable connection to a digital I&C system.
- * Field-programmable gate array

- Diverse Actuation System (DAS), including Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWS) Mitigation System
- Diverse Human System Interface Panel

3Control and Monitoring System
(Non-safety I&C Systems)
The following platform is for the control and monitoring the reactor, turbines, and other applications classified as “non-safety” in nuclear plants. Mitsubishi Electric also provides plant computer platforms that monitor the state of plant operations.
MELTAC-RX is a digital platform applicable in non-safety I&C systems for the control and monitoring of nuclear reactors and turbines.
- * MELTAC-RX is a registered trademark of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation in Japan, US and China.
- Easy connectivity with other equipment (MODBUS)
- Capability to interface with smart field devices (Profibus)
- Compact, space-saving design achieved by high packaging efficiency.
- Reactor Control System (RCS)
- Feedwater Control System (FWCS)
- In-core Instrumentation System (ICIS)
- Control Rod Drive Mechanism Control System (CRDM-CS)
- Rod Position Indication (RPI) System
- Radiation Monitoring System (RMS)
- Turbine Control System (TCS)
- Other auxiliary systems

Other Non-safety I&C Systems
900S: TSI (Turbine Supervisory Instrument)
In order to operate the turbine generator safely, TSI monitors the shaft vibration, etc., and promptly outputs a trip signal when an abnormality is detected.
- Mitsubishi’s products have been in operation for over 40 years.
- With logic process function which enables setting output condition such as trip signal etc. by combining conditions of two vibration monitors and module status (normal/error).

MEC700: AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator)
MEC700 is a digital automatic voltage regulator (D-AVR), which regulates synchronous generator voltage, with superior reliability, easy operation and maintenance.
- More than 1700 units of Mitsubishi Electric AVRs are installed in Thermal, Hydro and Nuclear power stations worldwide since 1944.
- Suitable for the generators provided by major vendors.
- Compact design to fit in small area in the cabinet.

4Reactor I&C Systems
Mitsubishi Electric provides the reactor I&C system totally consisting of parts from nuclear detector through signal processing module.
Ex-Core Nuclear Instrumentation System (NIS)
The NIS measures the nuclear reactor output level by neutron detector that continuously measures neutron flux.

In-Core Instrumentation System (ICIS)
The ICIS routes the movable in-core neutron detectors into the selected core location (thimble). Mitsubishi Electric also provides essential mechanical components such as resolvers and rotary indexes that comply with EU directives.

Rod Position Indication (RPI) System
The RPI system measures and monitors the position of rod assemblies, and displays the rod position. In addition, Mitsubishi Electric also provides detectors.

Control Rod Drive Mechanism Control System (CRDM-CS)
This system actuates the driving mechanism that inserts and withdraws the rod cluster within the reactor core.

Radiation Monitoring System (RMS)
The monitoring of radioactivity in the air and water is essential to ensure the safety of employees and society. Our RMS is composed of the RMS cabinet, area monitors and process monitors.

5Cyber Security Systems
Mitsubishi Electric provides various cyber security systems for I&C system of nuclear power plant such as;
Data-Diode as measure for external threat
Safelist as measure for internal threat
SIEM as method of integrated monitoring