Factory Automation

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Basic information

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OverviewAC power supply DC input Screw terminal block type
Input: 32 points 24 V DC sink/source
Output: 32 points Transistor sink
Built-in analog input: 2 ch
Built-in analog output: 1 ch
Built-in high-speed counter: Up to 8 ch 200 kHz
Built-in positioning: Up to 200 kHz 4 axis
Built-in Ethernet port: 1 ch
Built-in RS-485 port: 1 ch
Sales statusOn sale


CPU performance

The MELSEC iQ-F Series is equipped with a CPU capable of high-speed processing with an instruction operation speed (LD instruction) of 34 ns.
In addition, the CPU supports execution of structured programs and multiple programs, SFC language, ST language, and FBD/LD language, etc.

Controllable I/O

Up to 512 points can be controlled when using remote I/O (CC-Link and AnyWireASLINK).

Sufficient built-in communication ports

Ethernet and RS485 communication ports are provided as a standard.
Seamless connection with various peripheral devices and upper-level devices can be realized without additional units.

SD memory card slot

Programs can be updated, and programs can be read from an SD card.
The SD memory card can also be used to log data, which is useful for the analyzing equipment status and production conditions.

Substantial built-in functions

A max. 200 kpps built-in positioning function and high-speed counter function are also equipped.
Various convenient functions, including remote monitoring with the Web server function, are provided.

Motion control supported

High-accuracy positioning control is possible with the CC-Link IE TSN-compatible motion module and SSCNET III/H-compatible simple motion module.
Complicated positioning control such as synchronous control is possible even with a micro PLC using reduced wiring.

Built-in analog I/O (with alarm output)

Analog I/O ports are provided as standard on the screw terminal block type CPU module.
Inputs from sensors and outputs to drive devices can be controlled without module expansion.

Powerful security functions

Various security functions, including IP address filter and authorization keys, are provided.
Your valuable data and devices are protected.

Battery-less and maintenance-free

The program memory uses non-volatile memory, so data can be held without a battery.
An optional battery can be added to expand the data holding range.