Controllers MELSEC-L Series
Product features -Network-

CC-Link IE Field Network Master/Local Module
CC-Link IE Field
CC-Link IE Field
CC-Link IE Field Master/local station
Communication speed: 1 Gbps
Remote I/O: 16384 points
Remote register: 8192 words
Supported by CPUs whose first five serial number digits are “13012” or later.
CC-Link IE Field Network Head Module
CC-Link IE Field
CC-Link IE Field
CC-Link IE Field Intelligent device station
Communication speed: 1 Gbps
Remote I/O: 2048 points
Remote register: 1024 words
RAS function
END cover is included.
CC-Link Master/Local Module
CC-Link master/local station
Max. communication speed: 10 Mbps
Remote I/O: 8192 points*1
Remote register: 2048 words*1
1. Link points for CC-Link Ver.2.0 master station
AnyWireASLINK Master Module
AnyWireASLINK master station
Transmission distance: Max. 200 m
Data I/O: Max. 512 points*2
Number of connected stations: Max. 128 modules
2. 256 input points/256 output points
Double brand product
General specifications and product guarantee conditions of jointly developed products are different from those of MELSEC products.
For more information, please refer to the product manuals or contact your local Mitsubishi representative for details.
SSCNETⅢ/H Head Module
SSCNETⅢ/H remote station
Communication speed: 150 Mbps
END cover is included.
Ethernet Interface Module
Communication speed: 100 Mbps/10 Mbps
MELSOFT connection
SLMP communication (MC protocol)
Predefined protocol support function
E-mail function
Web function
Serial Communication Modules
RS-232, RS-422/485
RS-232, RS-422/485
Max. communication speed: 230.4 kbps*3
MC protocol communications
Predefined protocol support function
3. Available for only channel 1
Max. communication speed: 230.4 kbps*4
MC protocol communications
Predefined protocol support function
4. Available for only channel 1