Factory Automation

Human-Machine Interfaces(HMIs)-GOT

Standards and certifications (by product) Products

GOT2000 Series

Compliance with maritme certifications is listed in the table below.

When you use the GOT2000 Series as the system that the certification organizations approve, please refer to the Technical Bulletin (PDF) below.

Technical Bulletin


Abbrev. Certification organization Certification No.*1 Expiration date
ABS American Bureau of Shipping 24-0133259-PDA 2029/11/17
BV Bureau Veritas 40093/B1 BV 2025/7/9
DNV DNV AS TAA00001YC Rev.2 2025/7/23
LR Lloyd's Register of Shipping LR2004365TA-02 2025/6/22
NK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai TA24607M 2025/5/13
RINA Registro Italiano Navale ELE150224PU 2025/6/4

*1If you need certification documents, please contact your local sales office.