Mitsubishi Electric Around the World
How to Refresh Before and After Colombia
Adjusting the counterweight to work Mitsubishi Electric de Colombia
May 2021

Azur Hurtado Medina (pictured above) is an engineering assistant for the Mitsubishi Electric de Colombia (MELCOL) factory. He is in charge of the request and control of metal sheet to produce elevator components.
Azur is a family man. In the pre-pandemic factory, he called home at lunchtime to see how his family was doing. This was one of his go-to strategies to refresh himself at work.
"I’m a genius at staying refreshed," he jokingly boasts. "Besides calling home at lunchtime, I took some active breaks, drank a coffee or infusion, and cracked small jokes to make my colleagues laugh. Whenever I felt tired at work, I recharged myself with those little habits to remain productive all through the day."

Then the pandemic hit. The new normal has changed the way Azur works—and the way he refreshes himself.
"My work style has changed a lot and I now have more time to spend at home," he says. "When I want to take a quick break, I do some stretches on the balcony; I chat with my family over a coffee and cake; or sometimes I help my daughters do their homework. Even at home working, I try to be as productive as at the factory by keeping my mind refreshed and focused on what I’ve got to do."
It seems some studies indicate that working from home can hurt your productivity while others show the opposite. But at least it is true that Azur has been doing well throughout the pandemic.
"I appreciate that the company has created an environment for us to work as efficiently as ever while avoiding the virus," he says.
One of the key parts of an elevator is the counterweight that balances the car. The reason why Azur is pretty good at keeping his work-break balance may be that through his years of being involved in manufacturing components for elevators, he has unknowingly learned the importance and knack of keeping things balanced.
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The photos above show some of the Mitsubishi Electric-made elevators for Milla de Oro building at Medellín where MELCOL offices are located as well.
"These elevators provide us safe and comfortable rides. The quality is high and the design is great. I’m so proud of being a member of the production team," Azur explains of why he likes them.