Social Welfare Environmental Conservation Science and Technology Mitsubishi Electric Thai Foundation and its collaborative effort with Thai employees
Founded in 1991, the Mitsubishi Electric Thai Foundation (METF) supports the education of tomorrow's engineers by providing scholarships to engineering students at Thai universities. METF also provides special grants to grade schools recommended by the Thai Ministry of Education to support the schools’ lunch programs. METF is bolstering its efforts by also organizing employee-driven volunteer activities.

Scholarship program to university students

Many employee volunteers enjoy philanthropic activities
Slow-Life Cycling Project
Mitsubishi Electric Kang Yong Watana Co., Ltd. introduced the Slow-Life Cycling Project in 2016 in collaboration with a television station in Thailand and the Tourism Authority of Thailand. This project was created as a way to help people rediscover the fascination of the countryside and communicate it to the public by visiting local cities on bicycles. Simultaneously, the program supports industrial vitalization, the conservation of culture and nature, and environmental efforts in the countryside.
In 2016, employees from Mitsubishi Electric Kang Yong Watana Co., Ltd. and other participants visited little-known cities and carried out activities such as donating computers to local elementary schools, removing the overgrowth of waterweed from rivers, which is harmful to creatures living in the water, and distributing equipment that is used to process waterweed into fertilizer. The project brings multiple benefits to local communities from the perspective of regional contribution, social well-being, educational support and environmental conservation.
In 2017, Mitsubishi Electric Kang Yong Watana Co., Ltd. will continue this project as a part of commemorating its 45th anniversary. The number of cities that the project visits will increase from 5 in 2016 to 12 in 2017.