Human rights

Human Rights Policy

Mitsubishi Electric Group Human Rights Policy

Protection of human rights and support for internationally agreed human rights are imperatives for the Mitsubishi Electric Group's business activities. Accordingly, as members of the Group, we recognize our duty to prevent any complicity with human rights violations.
On that basis, the Mitsubishi Electric Group enacted its Corporate Ethics and Compliance Statement in 2001 and pledged that all executives and members of the Group "will conduct ourselves always with a respect for human rights, will not discriminate based on nationality, race, religion, gender, or any other reason."
As the Mitsubishi Electric Group continues to expand its business globally, in accordance with the spirit of the Mitsubishi Electric Group's "Purpose" and "Our Values," it has established this Human Rights Policy and shall raise awareness of human rights among its members and make sure to properly deal with related incidents in order to ensure that its business activities do not have a negative impact on human rights.

  1. The Mitsubishi Electric Group recognizes that, as a minimum, it must respect international standards related to human rights, such as the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. On that basis, we shall respect human rights while making sure to adequately understand relevant laws and regulations in every country and region where we do business. If such laws and regulations do not conform to international standards related to human rights, we shall consult with local authorities on how to properly handle cases involving human rights in order to respect the international standards.
  2. Based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Mitsubishi Electric Group shall undertake human rights due diligence measures, such as specifying and assessing the impact of its business activities on human rights, and studying ways of proactively preventing or mitigating any negative impact of those activities. Furthermore, the Group shall put a framework in place for rectifying any cases in which its business activities are found to have negatively impacted human rights, or its members are found to have been clearly involved in violations of human rights.
  3. The Mitsubishi Electric Group has identified materiality (material issues), has set concrete tasks and goals for those materiality, and works to achieve them, and, through that process, takes steps to ascertain the status of its initiatives related to respect for human rights, and properly discloses its findings.
  4. The Mitsubishi Electric Group shall work to ensure that its initiatives related to respect for human rights are implemented with the participation of all executives and employees. Furthermore, the Group shall request cooperation from various stakeholders involved in its whole value chains such as business activities, products, and services, in order to help promote respect for human rights in society at large.
  5. The Mitsubishi Electric Group shall implement training programs and awareness campaigns on a continuous basis for the purpose of ensuring that all executives and members of the Group understand initiatives related to respect for human rights, and conduct themselves accordingly.

Established on September 20, 2017