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Vol.3 Baku, Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan faces the Caspian Sea – the largest inland body of water in the world and a natural boundary separating Central Asia and Eastern Europe. The modern facade and dynamic silhouette of the three Flame Towers in the capital city of Baku beautifully contrast with the Old City quarter of historical buildings that date back to the 11th and 12th century.

Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, is also known as the Walled City. True to its name, the city is indeed ringed by walls.

The Old City of Baku has been classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

The Maiden Tower on the left in the photo is registered under the UNESCO World Heritage List of Historical Monuments as cultural property. It was first erected in 500 BC as a Parsee Fire Temple, and rebuilt in the 12th century.

An eternal flame symbolically burns in this Zoroastrian fire temple.

While the charm of the traditional cityscape of the Old City has been carefully preserved, the modernization of surrounding areas has added a contemporary dimension, creating scenes that you might find in European towns.

Shopping centers and brand boutiques line the streets.

Can you guess what this is? It is actually a subway station!

Flame Towers viewed from downtown. Even from far away, they catch the eye.

Seen up close, the presence of the towers is truly impressive!

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