FACTS - Core Technology
Core Technology
Mitsubishi Electric has a range of FACTs solutions to meet a wide variety of needs, including a number of world-firsts. Core power electronic-based FACTs systems include our two varieties of STATCOM as well as traditional SVC systems. Synchronous compensator system are also available, and provide an additional range of benefits, such as inertia and high short-circuit current, which are continually decreasing in modern power systems.
STATCOM - Static Compensator
STATCOM systems consist of a Voltage Source converter (VSC), interface reactance and transformer, and control and protection systems. VSCs are self-commutating, meaning they do not rely on a strong grid to control their output. The system regulates the internal voltage in order to control current flowing into the local network, in-turn controlling reactive power flow.

Mitsubishi Electric’s Modular Multi-level Converter (MMC) based STATCOM solution, SVC-Diamond®, provides a flexible solution to power system needs.
Converter Technology
The MMC topology of SVC-Diamond® results in a scalable, flexible solution, applicable to a wide-range of power capacities.
Within the converter, a number of sub-modules are series connected, each of which can synthesize an AC output voltage. Due to the large number of sub-modules, harmonic emission is very low, and filtering is typically not required.

MMC Sub-module

The sub-modules feature high-capacity IGBTs, increasing its capacity, reducing the total number required and leading to a compact station footprint.
Key components, such as IGBT modules, capacitors, and mechanical bypass switch, are designed and manufactured in Mitsubishi Electric or its subsidiaries, achieving total system optimization.
STATCOM - Multi-stage Transformer

Mitsubishi Electric’s multi-stage, multi-level STATCOM system enables a very high-capacity, compact solution. Key project references include the world’s first utility STATCOM (1991, ±80 MVAr) and, at the time of construction, the largest-scale STATCOM (2012, ±450 MVAr)
Converter Technology
The system is able to produce low-levels of harmonic output, due to the series-parallel arrangement of voltage source converters (VSC).

Thanks to the parallel connection on the dc-side, the valves operate at a relatively low voltage. This reduces the distance required for insulation, and results in a very compact building footprint.
SVC – Static VAR Compensator
Our SVC has a long track record of providing reliable reactive power support, with over 30 installations world-wide.
SVC System
SVC systems utilize a combination of Thyristor Controlled Reactors (TCR) and Tyristor Switched Capacitor banks (TSC), along with filter branches. The system is scalable, from as small as 50 MVAr to 450 MVAr and over.