Initiatives that contribute to addressing social challenges

IT Solution Business & Business Process Reengineering Group

Contributing to the Realization of Improved Customer Value and a Safe, Secure, and Sustainable Society Through the Provision of IT Services

IT Solution Business & Business Process Reengineering Group is committed to enhancing customer satisfaction, helping achieve sustainable societies through solutions tailored to the management strategies and challenges of its customers, and developing solutions that contribute to solving social challenges.

More specifically, we provide solutions to support environmental management by visualizing GHG*1 emissions for companies working toward carbon neutrality. We also work to realize a safe, secure, and comfortable society through reducing energy use at data centers to reduce the CO2 emitted as a result of business activities, support supporting those who lack physical strength using image analysis technologies, and more.

Going forward, in order to achieve smarter societies, we will leverage the many component technologies and strengths of the Mitsubishi Electric Group to build next-generation information systems using the latest IT solutions, such as IoT,*2 big data processing, and AI-related technologies.

  1. *1 Greenhouse Gas
  2. *2 Internet of Things: A system to remotely control, operate, monitor, and collect information from various "things" connected via the Internet.
Major social challenges for which risks and opportunities have been recognized and evaluated Priority SDG initiatives
  • Optimal use of energy
  • Introduction of clean energy
  • Waste reduction and management
  • Sustainable use and development of resources
  • Addressing climate change
  • Realization of a safe society
  • Addressing labor force shortages
icon: Priority SDG initiatives

Initiatives that contribute to addressing social challenges

Using Internet Data Centers to Help Customers Reduce Environmental Impact

photo: Internet data center

Internet data center

We operate data centers—which are specialized facilities containing servers and communications equipment—and offer housing services where customers’ servers are relocated to one of our data centers or hosting services where we lease servers at our data centers to customers. We also provide private cloud services. Through these services, we are able to reduce the environmental impact of our customers’ businesses through IT. We also focus on making our data centers more eco-friendly, with floor designs that make it possible to place servers in denser layouts by separating the cool airflow from air conditioners from the heat emitted by servers. Our data centers use electricity more efficiently thanks to the installation of high-efficiency, water-cooled air conditioners. These innovations have helped companies to reduce their CO2 emissions by approximately 36% compared to the servers they build and operate in-house. Furthermore, we have installed photovoltaic panels in an effort to reduce power consumption with clean energy and planted greenery on top of data center roofs to prevent the heat island effect.
Furthermore, our 24/7 server and system monitoring and management capabilities facilitate stable system operation. With our physical data center security and flexible data center operation services, we can realize security measures that cater to customer needs.

Providing Smart Office Solutions that Also Contribute to Work Style Reforms

We provide a wide variety of business tools utilizing ICT under the concepts that information can be shared at "any time", work can be done "anywhere" and "anybody" can share a job. We support customers' efforts to complete their workstyle reform and reduce environmental impact in order to help expand business.

For instance, by reducing irrational and futile jobs, overtime working hours can be reduced and overwork problems can be resolved while simultaneously reducing the energy used in offices. Additionally, the use of paperless conference systems allows reductions in the consumption of paper and the raw materials used to make it. It also helps reduce the frequency of business trips and promotes more effective use of office space.

diagram: Smart Office Solutions

Smart Office Solutions