Initiatives that contribute to addressing social challenges

Semiconductor & Device Group

Contributing to the Realization of a Decarbonized Society and GX* by Providing Energy-Efficient Products, Key Devices for Customers, in Response to Energy and Environment-related Social Issues

*Green Transformation

The Semiconductor & Device Group supports reducing energy use as well as affluent and comfortable living by providing low-power-consumption, cutting-edge power semiconductor and other devices using silicon carbide (SiC) for EVs and air conditioners, as well as by supplying high-performance, low-power, compact high-frequency devices and optical devices enabled by compound semiconductor technologies for wireless and optical fiber communications equipment, data centers, sensors, and more.

In order to achieve carbon neutrality, a requirement for sustainable societies, it is imperative to use generated power while minimizing power loss in the process. Power semiconductor devices are incorporated into a number of power electronics, playing a significant role in reducing power loss. In addition, Mitsubishi Electric manufactures state-of-the-art products using SiC, which enables significant reductions in power loss, and conventional products using Si.

The Semiconductor & Device Group provides today’s society, where DX is underway, with high-performance, low-power, compact high-frequency devices and optical devices that make full use of compound semiconductor technologies to support low power consumption in IT devices as well as energy saving with DX. Furthermore, by reducing the space required for communications equipment, the cooling function can be simplified, thereby contributing to comprehensive energy savings.

Going forward, the Semiconductor & Device Group will continue to contribute to the realization of a safe, secure, comfortable, and sustainable society by providing key devices for realizing a decarbonized society.

Major social challenges for which risks and opportunities have been recognized and evaluated Priority SDG initiatives
  • Appropriate use of water
  • Optimal use of energy
  • Proper management of chemical substances
  • Addressing climate change
icon: Priority SDG initiatives

Initiatives that contribute to addressing social challenges

SiC Power Semiconductor that Achieve Low-Power Consumption of Customers' Devices

photo: Second-generation full SiC power module for industrial use

Second-generation full SiC power module for industrial use

From the viewpoint of energy savings and environmental protection, Mitsubishi Electric is developing semiconductor devices using silicon carbide (SiC)*1, the material physical attributes of which can significantly contribute to reducing power loss, and expanding the product lineup.
In fiscal 2011, we were the first company in the world to equip air conditioners with SiC power semiconductor modules. Since then, we have promoted their use in various products such as rolling stock and industrial equipment. In January 2021, we launched a newly developed power semiconductor module that is the second-generation full SiC power module for industrial use. With the SiC-MOSFET*2 and SiC-SBD*3 chips, this new module reduces power losses by approximately 70% compared to our conventional Si-IGBT module. By expanding the lineup, it contributes to improving the efficiency, reducing the size, and lighter electric vehicle power supply systems used for charging batteries, photovoltaic power systems, air conditioners, and more.
We will continue to accelerate the development of new technologies and products to respond to diverse needs for energy efficiency.

  1. *1 SiC: Silicon Carbide (a compound of silicon and carbon)
  2. *2 MOSFET: Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
  3. *3 SBD: Schottky Barrier Diode

Optical Communication Device that Contributes to Low Power Consumption of Network Equipment for 5G Mobile Communications Base Stations

photo: 50Gbps DFB laser

50Gbps DFB laser

Data transmission volume has been rapidly increasing with the widespread use of mobile communication devices and the storage of information on cloud networks, and mobile communications systems are shifting to 5G technology. In response to these trends, the construction of large-volume, high-speed optical communications systems is being planned between base stations where data traffic is concentrated and exchanges where communication signals from base stations are centrally controlled. In March 2022, Mitsubishi Electric started to offer samples of a 50Gbps*1 DFB laser*2, a new optical communications device that is used to connect the base stations in such networks. It improves the speed and volume of mobile communications systems and reduces energy consumption, thus contributing to energy efficiency.

  1. *1 Gbps (Gigabits per second): Unit of communication rate. 1Gbps indicates that 1 billion digital codes can be transmitted per second.
  2. *2DFB (Distributed Feed-Back) laser