Initiatives that contribute to addressing social challenges

Living Environment & Digital Media Equipment Group

Providing Products that are Helpful for Society and the Environment in Wide Areas to Create Comfortable Spaces

The Living Environment & Digital Media Equipment Group is working to expand our businesses including the air conditioning and refrigeration systems business as one of the key growth sectors at Mitsubishi Electric. In addition, we are pressing forward with proposals of total solutions using IoT and AI technologies as well as products within and outside the Mitsubishi Electric Group to realize life solutions for everyone, from workers to people at home, to live by their own values.

As we expand business, we believe it is important to provide products and services that contribute simultaneously to achieving sustainability, safety, security, and comfort as well as to resolving social challenges in the living environment. As part of this, we offer environment-friendly systems and services, including air conditioners that produce less CO2 during use and our energy-saving EcoCute product lineup, to create comfortable spaces across a broad range of areas such as the home, the office, and industry. Additionally, Mitsubishi Electric proposes solutions that aim to achieve energy savings by building systems as a whole in support of programs such as ZEB, promoted by the Japanese government, in cooperation with the Building Systems Group.

Major social challenges for which risks and opportunities have been recognized and evaluated Priority SDG initiatives
  • Optimal use of energy
  • Introduction of clean energy
  • Development of safe, secure, comfortable and sustainable cities
  • Sustainable use and development of resources
  • Proper management of chemical substances
  • Addressing climate change
icon: Priority SDG initiatives

Initiatives that contribute to addressing social challenges

Jet Towel® Slim Series, Highly Hygienic Type

photo: Jet Towel® Slim Series, Highly Hygienic Type

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered an increase in people’s awareness of the role of hygiene in their daily lives. Jet Towel® Slim Series Highly Hygienic Type has a built-in circulation fan featuring "Health Air® function", which cleans the air where it is installed by circulating it. In addition, the model’s hygienic aspects are fully optimized with a resin body that improves hygiene and adoption of "two-stage nozzle structure", which reduces droplet scattering around the user. This product cleans the air while drying the hands.

Achieving High Efficiency Operation and CO2 Emissions Reduction for Hot Water and Heating Systems by Switching from the Combustion Type to "ATW (Air to Water, Heat Pump Hot Water System)" Mainly in Europe, Which Has the Strict Environmental Regulations

Demand for "ecodan" series of ATW (Air to Water, heat pump hot water systems) is rapidly increasing mainly in Europe, which has the strict environmental regulations. In Europe, hot water are generally used for heating home, and gas or oil boilers have been used as the heat source equipment. By replacing such systems with "ecodan," an environmentally friendly heat pump system, Mitsubishi Electric reduces CO2 emissions. We now lead the market with our lineup of products that are conscious of the global environment mainly in European countries.

  • photo: ATW(Air to Water: Heat Pump Hot Water System)

    ATW(Air to Water: Heat Pump Hot Water System)

  •  illustration: ATW(Air to Water: Heat Pump Hot Water System)

Providing Openness and Comfort in Indoor Spaces with Blue-sky Lighting "misola" that Looks Just Like the Real Blue Sky

Blue-sky Lighting "misola" is a lighting product with a new concept that not only lights the space but makes people feel outdoors and gives them vital and peaceful mind. "misola" is enable to light up the space brightly, and it suggests the blue sky with a sufficient feeling of depth based on the principle of the clear bright sky, and natural streaming of the sunlight through the luminescence of frame surfaces. Through the day, "misola" reflects the colors of the sky in the morning, evening, and night. While giving them a sense of the change in time by varying the scene according to the scheduled control, "misola" can also change the ambience of the space according to their purposes.

photo: Blue-sky Lighting "misola"

Blue-sky Lighting "misola"

"emoco tech" Adjusts the Air According to the User's Mood

photo: Kirigamine Z Series

Kirigamine Z Series

The Kirigamine Z Series of room air conditioner which includes "emoco tech" is released in February 2023. "emoco tech" is a new feature that controls the air according to the user’s mood.*1 "emoco tech" is a new air conditioning technology for controlling the air while estimating the user’s mood based on sensory temperature information measured by our unique infrared sensor, "mirA.I.+", and pulse information measured by the newly developed "emoco-eye" vital sensor. "emoco-eye" vital sensor is enable to measure the pulse of a person distant from the air conditioner in a non-contact manner and estimate the person’s mood based on the measured pulse using our unique analysis technology.

With air conditioning utilizing air controlled according to the current living situation*2 enabled by "emoco tech," the Kirigamine Z Series of room air conditioner contributes to realizing better lifestyles (well-being).

  1. *1 Controlling the temperature and airflow by estimating a person’s feeling by measuring the person’s pulse in a non-contact manner. The effect varies depending on usage conditions, etc. and differs from individual to individual.
  2. *2 The customer needs to configure settings.

Recycling of Home Electrical Appliances

We have developed technologies to automatically separate three types of plastics (i.e., PP, PS and ABS) used in home electrical products from a mixture of different materials originating from home appliances. We have also improved the identification of physical properties and pressed forward with an original recycling system in which these plastics are reused to manufacture our home appliances.